Amy Morris
Broker - Specializing in ResidentialOffice: 919-333-5342919-333-5342
Cell: 919-333-5342919-333-5342
Amy is a life-long resident of Johnston County and is very passionate about people and helping
them chase their dreams. Amy’s goal is to be the most helpful person in anyone’s home buying
or selling process by answer any questions and being informational in all aspects, every step of
the way. In addition to being a Real Estate Agent Amy’s career as a Legal Assistant has taught
her the importance of honesty, integrity, compassion and understanding by focusing on your
real estate goals while pursuing a listing relationship built on trust. Amy lives in Pine Level with
her husband and their child who is a sophomore at NC State University.
Carolina Realty
Carolina Realty
Ph: 919-934-0118
1330 N Brightleaf Blvd.
Smithfield, NC US
Dale Ridge
Williamson Place
Yorkshire Village
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